Casino Tycoon Mac -

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A Tale of Two Immortal Bank Robbers: Chapter Five, Part 19.5: The Beginning of the End

Act 1: The Steakhouse
The Golden Grin was always a prosperous casino, my business was booming with waves of gamblers pouring their life savings into my vault like how tea gets poured into the teacup. I had to settle a few things internally within my management, but nothing new for me, especially for trips back to either Makai or the Lunar Capital.
Me, Dust, Kaguya, Mom, and Yumeko were to meet up in a high class steakhouse around Murkywater's airport. Located below a steep hillside and being considered a "restricted area," it was the perfect place for Murkywater, a convenient place to hide stash dark secrets while being off the radar.
My bodyguard, an ex-GenSec Elite, was with me in the front seat of my Falcogini. I was going to meet up with 5 at the steakhouse with my bodyguard driving the car back to the Grin. Luckily for me, I had a deal with GenSec where my personal vehicle would be transported anyone under my request, they needed to save face and have financial gain after being embarrassed by my crew.
"I'll stop here. Here are the keys, drive back to GenSec and say that I was dropped off in the proper location, got it?"
"Yes, Mr.Hoxworth."
I parked the car and gave the keys to my bodyguard. Then, then started driving off to to the airport so that he can park this thing back in Vegas. Loyal guy I must say, does my requests without asking questions. No matter how questionable the circumstances are.
Now to wait for Dust, Kaguya, Mom, and Yumeko. For whatever reason, they didn't have transportation, so I paid Twitch to pick them up with his van and promised to let him eat dinner with us, I supposed it was the least I could do to keep him as a reliable getaway.
After smoking a cigarette outside in the smoking area, the 5 of them arrived. I pressured Dust and Kaguya to look a "little different" as I don't need to answer stupid questions from any 'heroes.' My mother and Yumeko were fine, since none of the bastards could of knew anything about Makai.
After properly introducing the 5 of us to Twitch, the 6 of us walked in the steakout. The employee at the front had to write down our names due to "company policy" and that nonsense. Knowing 2 of them were wanted fugitives, I gave them these names in order, from me, Mom, Yumeko, Dust, Kaguya, and Twitch, respectively.
  1. James Hoxworth
  2. Lucifer Hoxworth
  3. Yumeko Hoxworth
  4. Dustin Wang
  5. Teruyo Houraisan
  6. Neil MacCauley#Twitch)
My status as the owner of the most prosperous casino on Earth made the employee's eyes shine brighter than that one time where Sariel pulled a mean joke on me and said I was locked up in Heaven. I'm still going to get her for that. Cheeky bastard.
"I-it's been an honor serving you. M-Mr.Hoxworth. May I get a trip to your casino to gamble or something? This job is pretty dead end..."
I just looked away and smiled, it was stressful living a quad life as a casino tycoon, bank robber, Lunarian prince, and demon lord.
Now my mother and older sister were interested in the human world, as it's been something they've taken a interest in ever since that failed tour agency. And with my return, they wanted to see what I've accomplished in the human world and learn my experienced.
I knew what I wanted, a ribeye steak with mashed potatoes and loaded cauliflower, along with their finest beer. Mom and Yumeko were confused on what they wanted, so I told them that I can cover them, I mean I've seen Yumeko cook before, I can identify exactly what would satisfy them.
Twitch was asking if this dinner would cut his overall payment, knowing that he's important for the plan and wanting to be on his good side, I promised him that it wouldn't and that this would be a professional courtesy. After settling that with him, he ordered steak burger, fries, steamed vegetables, and a Coke. I was about to taunt him about stealing his fries and saying that's the payment, but not in front of my mom. That's embarrassing.
Kaguya and Dust ordered the same steak and beverage, being sirloin, and sake. I mean I like sake, but it wasn't made by the Lunarians or Eirin so I just ditched it for an all-time favorite Earthly drink of mine, being some proper tea. For the side, Dust got broccoli, and Kaguya got a loaded potato.
After finishing my meal, I went outside to the smoking area, checked for eavesdroppers, took out my phone, and called Dallas, he was going to be needed soon to transport all the youkai and whoever Murkywater was keeping hostage, "Hey Nathan... it's James. You think you could sail in your yacht around Oregon?"
"Sure buddy, I missed seeing us 4 together. Me, Nicolas, Wolf, and you. Like old times. Say... how's the Grin, I heard you've been making massive profits. You doing OK over there?"
"Yep, I fucking am. Anyways, be seeing you Dallas."
"Farewell, Hoxton."
Dallas was the first of many calls I had to make, now I gotta call Bile, since he would be delivering Twitch to Dallas' yacht, and being part of multiple escape plans I had for Hell's Island. Either we get out through plane, yacht, or multiple helicopter extractions.
After discussing what the helicopter might need to do, I finished my call with Bile, it was time to make one final one with Locke before the airport raid.
"Heyo, Locke."
"Ahh, Hoxton, you chop. You want to know more about the Murkywater operations, yes? Fo' sho!
Hey listen, I heard that their final 2 planes, similar to the one back in the Birth of Sky Job that I smuggled you onto... they're leaving from that airport I told you about, with their final place being Hell's Island. Now I couldn't get exact details, but those dwankie bastards have made some upgrades from last time. This one is for Bain... yeah?"
"Yeah Locke, this one is for Bain, we owe him one...
anyways, I'll be seeing you on the Medic Bag..."
"Anyways... it seems that those Murky Bastards are losing. If you think you got a little bit more lead in your pencil and wanted to fu-"
"Locke, shut up! My mom is going outside, gotta hang up."
My mom walked outside and asked who I was talking to. I just replied that it was an old friend of mine. Now she was uncomfortable knowing what she had to do. After all, ever since Mystic Square, she has been completely reluctant to use her full power.
But I had to keep persuading her that this one was for Alice. I know how that would fuck with her psyche, but I wanted to send GenSec and Murkywater a message that they were fucked, and that she would die for Alice.
After talking to Mom a little more and hanging up on Locke, the waiter responsible for our food gave us the bill and I paid up. They offered desserts and I could easily pay for that, but those 5 were done, it was pretty cheap all things considered.
We were ready to take on Murkywater's last stand. Twitch had stashed Kaguya and Dust's weapons in his van, while my stuff was located in a pocket dimension. We're finishing this war my first crew started with Murkywater, and there's nothing they can do about it...
Us 6 went in the van, Twitch was obviously driving, I called shotgun, and everyone else could suffer in the back. Not my problem. This was it, if my first crew couldn't put the final nail in Murkywater's coffin, then this crew will.

Act 2: Murky Airport
"Hey Twitch, thanks for doing this for us."
"No problem, man. Hey, I'm supposed to go to a helicopter, right? I'm supposed to meet up with a guy named Bile?"
"Yeah... tell him that Hoxton sent you. Enjoy your free stay on a luxury yacht."
"I'm going to miss driving this baby for a bit. My beautiful hunk of metal."
We took our gear and got off this hillside above this dirty Murkywater den. Those bastards took my sister, my boss. Now I will take them. I don't care who's responsible, whether those Kataru bastards have returned or not, it's the beginning of the end for them, the final crackdown.
I grabbed an old friend of mine, my M1A SOCOM 16, my best friend since the first Green Bridge job, sniping coppers across that gauntlet. Wielding my silenced Bernetti and my akimbo Glock 18s. The plan was for me to blow off any heads of camping pigs on the control tower while the 4 others storm the place. I don't know how Mom will feel about doing what I have planned, not after what happened last time, but she would do anything for Alice's safety...
Sliding down the hill, I drew my silenced pistol and shot a Murkywater guard in the back of the head. I know tripping any alarms, even for a brief second will cause the cops to come assault us, and with their firing advantage up in that control tower, I need to take that over.
Hearing the guard barely breathing, I snapped his neck and threw him in a dumpster, leaving a small blood trail behind, I only have minutes now before some rent-a-soldier gets suspicious and raises the alarm. Good thing my 6th sense detected nobody around the control tower. It was time to climb a tower!
I grew 6 wings and began scaling the tower, while I could just fly us quickly, I also run the risk of letting someone hear me, at least with climbing, I just need to hide in the shadows and let my wings do the work. I had other tricks, but I forgot to plan for those, and I rather not risk failing because something sounds or even is easier.
Cutting open the window with my wings, I turned intangible and slit the throat of all the guards and eye of the cameras with my wings. I could grow as many as I desired to, but 6 felt just right. I took whatever equipment they had to make an improvised rope or chain or something of that nature, using their handcuffs and other equipment, I chained the door together. Salvaging whatever I could use on the Hell's Island raid, I signaled the 4 to go... 2 hangers. 2 planes.
With my rifle in hand, and a happy trigger finger, it was time to have some fun again. Let's do this!
Dust's Perspective Now
Something in my body feels odd, like it wants to jump out, but it knows that now is not the time. For us 4, we understand we need to secure the airport to leave. I don't know exactly what Hoxton was saying outside the steakhouse, but he probably knows what he's doing. After all, he's one of the most notorious members of his gang.
I heard multiple back-to-back gunshots and a guy yelling "Sound the alarm, we got enemy snipers!" That was a signal for us to rush in and go in guns a-blazing, but it was just me, Yumeko, and Kaguya that was storming the hangar. For Shinki... I saw 6 white wings sprouting out her back, but she wasn't flying, or doing anything... what the Hell was she doing?
Hearing the sirens and desperation of Murkywater. Something felt bad after sliding down the hill into cover, I heard, "ALRIGHT!!! The turrets are about to be here any minute, time to turn this around!" over a megaphone. I didn't want to look behind me, maybe Shinki had a death wish, maybe she had something else in mind. It didn't matter, this was Hoxton's mother, and knowing Hox's capabilities, she probably has her own surprises.
Taking my Tempest-21s, I stormed the first hanger with Kaguya. Popping Murkies with my wife, we make a good team, but above all, a good couple. Yumeko went alone to Hangar 2 by herself. I peeked around a corner and unloaded, Kaguya leapt over me and possibly decapitated a few guards. My ammo was running dry, and I reloaded. I then heard the bulletstorm trying to force Kaguya out of cover.
I saw a distortion in front of me. Yumeko, that's her, right? I hope so. We saw her running through, turning intangible into a green outline the split second a bullet would of hit her. The guards were yelling things such as, "THIS IS A COLOSSAL GOATFUCK!" and "Who the fuck are these guys, ex-military?!!"
Since the guards were focused on Yumeko, with Hoxton laughing his ass off at everyone who tried to hide behind a van or something. I used my small time window with Yumeko taking them on, I inspected the Murky hardware. They had things that I could sell at a healthy profit.
Unmarked weaponry, with an excess of battle rifles, specifically Eagle Heavies along with 7.62x51 rounds, Jackals with .45 ACP, and so much more. I think Hoxton would love the spare 7.62x51 with his M308, as he's been doing some great work as a sniper. I started bagging up the things that I could steal for myself and sell at a healthy price and smuggled it onto the plane.
Checking for Murkywater PMCs in the plane, I realized that we might need them alive, so I called over Kaguya and we intentionally crippled anyone else remaining inside. It seemed that Hox knew exactly that they were starting their preparations for leaving. How deep does this guy's connections go? Taking their handcuffs, me and Kaguya chained them together.
"We'll play with these soon~ but for now, we gotta get everyone off Hell's Island."
I went outside and it seemed that Yumeko is standing down the SWAT Van turrets, red lasers and guns were pointed at her and started firing, but Shinki showed up and took it all.
Us 3 took cover and saw what was there, an army of GenSec Elites, FBI SWATs, SWAT turrets, and helicopters.
What the fuck was she trying to pull off without fighting back? A peace offering? Not with possibly dozens, or even hundreds of armed officers willing to kill us. But her wings started to glow darker, and there I heard her speaking. It was unsettling, especially with demonic presence encompassing us all.
"Doing this last time hurt me more than anything... all the pantheon of so-called gods that tried attacking me. Any ungrateful demon from eons past that tried rebelling against their mother in a sad attempt to overthrow her. Nothing will hurt as what I did to my realm before...
However... you took Alice and her friends away, and for that, you will pay dearly. You only have seconds to enjoy what is left of your tiny lives."
We heard at least millions of rounds being fired from all the turrets, JP36s, Jackals, M1014s, CAR-4s, R870s, and whatever GenSec and the FBI had up their sleeve, but it was useless against her, no bullet holes, no flinching, no reaction. Just a very pissed off Shinki.
We all watched as Shinki unleashed her wrath onto the cops. As fires raged throughout the improvised wall of cops, SWAT Vans, and helicopters, I heard the screams. The explosions, the wreckage, all of that shocked us with the pure violence that was displayed in front of our very eyes.
Back at San Martin, we were shocked at what Sariel did, but Shinki. Holy shit, we're glad she's on our side! There were lasers that appeared to be unmaking anything it touches, spikes that would pierce through cop and vehicle alike before impaling themselves into something, and snake creatures cleaning up the wreckage.
I took this time to steal more of Murkywater's loot for myself as Shinki was destroying everything. I though to myself, Wait... if she's indiscriminately firing at them, then how are we not getting hit? Then I saw it, Hoxton was using his magic and his hands were starting to shake. He was taking the full force of Shinki's wrath!
I saw that he was approaching us and was a bit tired.
"Alright you wankers... don't fucking tell my Mom that my hands were broken in order to protect you from god's fucking wrath. She still has flashbacks from that shite back in Mystic Square, don't need that to be the first thing in her mind, got it?"
Hoxton took out one of his first aid kits and found a gauze, he wrapped his hands in a fashion to that of a boxer, while saying. "Heh, I wasn't allowed to do this for bare knuckle brawling. Gonna love to punch some Murkies today. Ha ha ha."
After overhearing that the police will retreat with a bigger assault force that would involve the ZEALs, the National Guard, and possibly the entire U.S. military. Remembering what happened the last time the military was going to be called in, we had to go quickly, or else we'll be eating an anti-aircraft gun for desert, or a nuclear missile...
"Hey wankers... get prepared, I'm going to do something."
Hoxton's Last Word: Makai's Rebirth ~ Apocalyptic Undoing
"I can't hold on to this for too long... fuck. I turned this place into a part of Makai temporarily... dimensional barrier confusing the pigs. JUST FUCKING GO!!!"
The sky turned even darker than the night sky we were under, it was so beautiful in it's own way, it was feeling like a demonic reflection of this world in many ways... maybe I should take the rest of Eientei to Makai for vacation, I know the Buddhist monk was sealed there and she thought it was a nice place.
Going back onto the plane, with all their equipment smuggled, I asked Yumeko for a flaming sword and interrogated a few of them. After some resistance, which was short-lived as Hoxton broke their bones with each hit, we found the pilots, and had to do lots of persuading to get Shinki to possess them.
"I didn't want to do this... there's a reason I left. Oh well... this one is for Alice."
Shinki then possessed them, forcing them to start flying, I had an idea to make an entrance to Hell's Island. Now I still wanted my beautiful firearms to sell, and maybe this idea might have them burn up in flames. But... this is for Gensokyo.
I went on the plane with everyone else behind me. Shinki completely took over the souls of the pilots and and we were starting to fly out the airport. I saw Yumeko giving Kaguya one of her flaming swords. I felt that Hoxton's Last Word started to end and it finished with a demonic storm. I heard the sirens and ultimatums over a radio. Now, it would be the best time to go.
Few minutes later, in the sky...
"That's right, we're getting out by a yacht. Don't worry, I know the guy who owns that boat. But first, we better make sure Hell's Island is forever destroyed...
You're still worried about my hands... aren't you? Well I'll just tell you something, I can't be as trigger happy as I usually am, still doesn't mean I won't be able to tear a Murk in 2."
"Hoxton... I feel strange, like something will happen. You know what's going on?"
"Nope, but it's something good, I know that much.
Anyways... I'm seeing if these twats have any good movies, if they don't, then I'm throwing them out the plane. It's not like they can track it back to u-"
"Hox... we still need them to blackmail Murky-"
"They have the entirety of Gensokyo in there, what fucking blackmail? These guys are the lowest of the low in Murkywater's army. Anyways, I'm watching a fucking movie with my mom."
Then, I left and took cupcakes from a refrigerator, grabbing 2 chairs at a table and eating them with Kaguya, we know what's happening next. We would ask Hoxton to call in the Lunarians, but Kaguya doesn't want to go back... regardless, this will be our tale against Murkywater, A Tale of Two Immortal Bank Robbers.
To be continued in Part 20 (Not by me)...
submitted by HoxifierMargatroid to touhou [link] [comments]

New Music Friday: April 24th, 2020


Smino - She Already Decided*
Wiz Khalifa - The Saga of Wiz Khalifa
Mike Dean - 4:20
J. Cole & DJ Critical Hype - In Search Of...Cole (Mashup album)
Quelle Chris & Chris Keys - Innocent Country 2
Lil Gotit - Hood Baby 2
YoungBoy Never Broke Again - 38 Baby 2
Asher Roth - Flowers On The Weekend
Clams Casino - Instrumental Relics
Azizi Gibson - Reaping The Benefits
Tom Misch & Yussef Dayes - What Kinda Music
Chris Crack - White People Love Algorithms
ANKHLEJOHN - The Face of Jason
lojii & Swarvy - DUE RENT (Blends)
Jackboy - Jackboy
Alina Baraz - It Was Divine
BONES & Drew The Architect - DamagedGoods
TyFontaine - 1800
K CAMP - Kiss 5
Trouble - Thug Luv
Smoke DZA - The Smokers Club Presents: Worldwide Smoke Session
Yhung T.O. & Daboii - Demon and Mufasa
Nafe Smallz - Goat World
Ufo361 - Rich Rich
Ivan Ave - Double Goodbyes
Lil West & Brevin Kim - Metallic Body Language
Melo of Higher Brothers - Old Master
Lil Wop - Light
J. Period - OutKast: ReFixed
Spodee - Determination 2
Slimmy B - Time to Shine
Moor Mother & Mental Jewelry - Moor Jewelry: True Opera
Sam Stan & Namesake. - Happy Raps 2
Vic Spencer - No Shawn Skemps
Abby Jasmine - Who Cares?


Guapdad4000 - Platinum Falcon Tape, Vol 1
Skyzoo & Dumbo Station - The Bluest Note
XV - With God Among Us
Jesse James Solomon - Bleak
070 Shake - Guilty Conscience (Remixes)
Terreace Martin - Conscious Conversations
Yhung T.O. - 420 Pack
Audio Push - Exhale


Isaiah Rashad - Why Worry
Travis Scott & Kid Cudi - THE SCOTTS
Earl Sweatshirt - WHOLE WORLD (feat. MAXO)
Juice WRLD - Righteous
Ab-Soul - Dangerookipawa Freestyle
shofu - TOM NOOK
Hopsin - Covid Mansion
SiR - Rapper Weed (feat. Boogie)
James Blake - You’re Too Precious
Earthgang, Guapdad 4000, Kota tha Friend, Ramriddlz - Rona Raps 6*
REASON - Might Not Make It
Zacari - Edamame / This Woman’s Work
NAV - PineSol
Flight - Disingenuous
Shoreline Mafia - Gangstas & Sippas (feat. Q Da Fool)
Jay Kila - Running Thru Mumbai
Young Dolph - Sunshine
Lil Skies - Fidget
Viper - The Whole World Need Me
Fivio Foreign - 800 BC
Michael Christmas - Credit (feat. Saint Lyor)
Black Soprano Family (Benny the Butcher, Rick Hyde, Heem) - Da Mob
KSI - Houdini (feat. Swarmz & Tion Wayne)
Dumbfoundead - Inside
Octavian & Take a Daytrip - Poison (feat. Santi & Obongjayar)
Ramirez - Tales from Tha Guttah
Mozzy - Boyz to Men
Terror Reid - Outlawz (feat. Pouya)
Mulatto - No Hook
Hook - Just Want Me Around
UMI - Mother
Key Glock - 2 Much
Lil Pump & Anuel AA - Illuminati
John River - The Pick Up
67 - Quarantined
6 Dogs - Takashi Murakami
Masego - Veg Out (Wasting Thyme)
Jon Connor - Q Love
Eric Bellinger - Couch Standing (feat. Wale & Jeremih)
Marlon Craft - High Time
Ravyn Lenae - Rewind
Chip - 0420 (R.I.P Black The Ripper)
Teejayx6 - How To End A Career
SWANG - Resume (feat. Casey Veggies)
Murs & Dee-1 - How Great (feat. Horace C. Bowers)
Bptheofficial - Yo Body (feat. Nef the Pharaoh)
Problem - G Shit
Paul Wall & Lil' Keke - So Trill (feat. Slim Thug)
Joyner Lucas - Lotto (Remix) [feat. Yandel & G-Eazy]
Rayven Justice - On Everything (feat. E-40)
Cassius Jay & Trap Jazz - Go Get It (feat. Jeezy & Chief Keef)
Flume - The Difference (feat. Toro Y Moi) [Extended]
Macky Gee & Tempa T - Not That Guy
Sonny Miles - Arbor Day
Queski & Roddy Ricch - Pain in My Eyes
GFR - Run It Up (feat. Pi'erre Bourne)
Bobby Sessions - Level Up
Asethic - Say That Shit Is Fire
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Ethereal - 2 Easy
CZARFACE - Still Crazy
Akon & Wizkid - Escape
Savon & Sango- River City
Black Coffee & Sabrina Claudio - SBCNCSLY
Slimelife Shawty - Understand Me (feat. Rylo Rodriguez)
Monster Florence - 26 Ghosts
Javed - Dummy (feat. Michael Christmas)
Audio Slugs & Tommy B - On My Toes (feat. JME)
Spectacular Diagnostics - Ridin' (Remix) [feat. Jeremiah Jae]
Jidenna - Feng Shui (From Insecure Soundtrack)
New Kids On The Block - House Party (feat. Boyz II Men, Big Freedia, Naughty By Nature & Jordan Sparks)
Telly Mac & Mozzy - Out Her Purse (Remix) [feat. Yung Lott & D-Moe]
Blackway & Busta Rhymes - Intense
Iamkeynotes - Buss it Down (feat. DaBaby & Petey Pablo)
Youngs Teflon & Slay Products - Baldie
Lil Baby - All In
Khalid & Disclosure - Know Your Worth (feat. Davido & Tems)
Jabee - ChecMate (feat. Atmosphere & Lil B)
Supreme Ace - Everything I Need (feat. TYuS)
Young Lito - Man Down (feat. Money Montage & Holy Cheezus)
Yung Killz - Cypher Freestyle (feat. Chris Carter)
Rockie Fresh - VS Ideas
Tony Njoku - 100% 4 Beauty
Cautious Clay, Remi Wolf & sophie meyers - Cheesin' (feat. Still Woozy, Claud, Melanie Faye & HXNS)
Lotus Blooming - By Myself (feat. YFX & Supa Bwe)
A-Wax - Dinner Plate
33rdscrap - East Atlanta (feat. Casino & Young Scooter)
Wiley - Drip Insured (feat. Lotto Ash)
Ro James - Selfish
SZA & Justin Timberlake - The Other Side (Ovy On The Drums Remix)
Vibbar - Rollin' My Sheets (feat. Kojey Radical & Sam Wise)
Lowwki - Highs & Lows (feat. Mick Jenkins)
Mase Well - Cycles (feat. Michael Christmas)
Juvie & Lancey Foux - Go Up
Tobe Nwigwe - SAGE
Lil Duval - High (feat. Devin the Dude)
J. Banks - 1 I'm Wit (feat. Nef the Pharaoh)
Tycoon Showtime - Dominique Wilkins (feat. Future)
Oliver Asadi - Father - True Animal
Barni Bolduin - Five Six Figures (feat. City Girls)
T-Pain - Wake Up Dead (feat. Chris Brown)
Rod Wave - The Last Sad Song
* means not on streaming
submitted by TheRoyalGodfrey to hiphopheads [link] [comments]

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submitted by USMCBeast23 to SteamGameSwap [link] [comments]

MAME 0.198

MAME 0.198

It’s the day you’ve been eagerly awaiting all month: MAME release day! MAME 0.198, our May release, is packed full of improvements in lots of areas. Newly supported arcade games include the rare video pinball game Tom Tom Magic, Jikkyou Powerful Pro Yakyuu EX ’98, and Keirin Ou. Newly supported computers include the TI-99/2, Dragon MSX-64, and BBC Master 512.
This release brings graphics emulation improvements to a number of systems, including more fixes for Sega Saturn/ST-V, missing effects emulated in 1945k III, and improvements to the title screen in Wolf Fang. The SH-4 recompiler now supports more FPU opcodes directly, and NAOMI keyboards are supported. Low-level floppy drive emulation improvements bring improved compatibility for Apple II software. Newly supported peripherals include a PC ISA LBA BIOS card, the Beeb Speech Synthesiser, and a number of BBC Micro pointing devices.
Other additions include new Tiger handhelds (Batman: The Animated Series, Operation: Aliens, Wayne’s World, and X-Men), the Fidelity Elegance and Prestige chess computers, and alternate versions of Battle Balls, Centipede, Final Fight, Karate Blazers, Last Mission, Real Puncher, Sengoku 3, Spy Hunter, and World Heroes 2. There are lots of additions to the Apple II cassette software list, and several additions to the Sorcerer cassette software list as well. MAME now supports Korean user interface thanks to a contribution from Neius.
For developers, we’ve fixed some issues in the debugger affecting CPUs that use word addressing, and the source list is sorted more intuitively in memory windows. We’ve made a number of changes to how machine configuration works to make driver development more intuitive and less error-prone.
Of course, you can get source and Windows binaries from the download page.

MAMETesters Bugs Fixed

New working machines

New working clones

Machines promoted to working

Clones promoted to working

New machines marked as NOT_WORKING

New clones marked as NOT_WORKING

New working software list additions

Software list items promoted to working

New NOT_WORKING software list additions

Translations added or modified

Source Changes

submitted by cuavas to emulation [link] [comments]

MAME 0.198

MAME 0.198

It’s the day you’ve been eagerly awaiting all month: MAME release day! MAME 0.198, our May release, is packed full of improvements in lots of areas. Newly supported arcade games include the rare video pinball game Tom Tom Magic, Jikkyou Powerful Pro Yakyuu EX ’98, and Keirin Ou. Newly supported computers include the TI-99/2, Dragon MSX-64, and BBC Master 512.
This release brings graphics emulation improvements to a number of systems, including more fixes for Sega Saturn/ST-V, missing effects emulated in 1945k III, and improvements to the title screen in Wolf Fang. The SH-4 recompiler now supports more FPU opcodes directly, and NAOMI keyboards are supported. Low-level floppy drive emulation improvements bring improved compatibility for Apple II software. Newly supported peripherals include a PC ISA LBA BIOS card, the Beeb Speech Synthesiser, and a number of BBC Micro pointing devices.
Other additions include new Tiger handhelds (Batman: The Animated Series, Operation: Aliens, Wayne’s World, and X-Men), the Fidelity Elegance and Prestige chess computers, and alternate versions of Battle Balls, Centipede, Final Fight, Karate Blazers, Last Mission, Real Puncher, Sengoku 3, Spy Hunter, and World Heroes 2. There are lots of additions to the Apple II cassette software list, and several additions to the Sorcerer cassette software list as well. MAME now supports Korean user interface thanks to a contribution from Neius.
For developers, we’ve fixed some issues in the debugger affecting CPUs that use word addressing, and the source list is sorted more intuitively in memory windows. We’ve made a number of changes to how machine configuration works to make driver development more intuitive and less error-prone.
Of course, you can get source and Windows binaries from the download page.

MAMETesters Bugs Fixed

New working machines

New working clones

Machines promoted to working

Clones promoted to working

New machines marked as NOT_WORKING

New clones marked as NOT_WORKING

New working software list additions

Software list items promoted to working

New NOT_WORKING software list additions

Translations added or modified

Source Changes

submitted by cuavas to cade [link] [comments]

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